Azienda Agricola Salvatore Innocenzo Rugna
Dalla Piana di Sibari, alla tua tavola
+39 338 4238825
Products & Services

Our comprehensive, balanced and diverse seed, crop protection service solutions.

Organic Fertiliser

Vegetables from fresh farming. Our farms deliver to us daily, ensuring you only eat the best of what's in season

Safe Organic Seeds

We offer the solutions and support that help you control weeds, pests and diseases this season protect future.

Natural Farming

Our farms deliver to us daily, ensuring you only eat the best of what's in season vegetables from fresh farming.

Children connected to nature
Children connected to nature
Unique species on our nature reserves
Unique species on our nature reserves
Acres of meadow created or restored
Acres of meadow created or restored

Apply where and when it is needed most

Our seeds and crop protection products increase yield, productivity and profit, and reduce risks by supporting farmer control over where and when a product is needed most.

Protecting your yield

When Farmers Succeed, Everyone Wins.

Protecting Your Potential

We offer the solutions and support that help you control weeds, pests and diseases this season, and protect your land for the future.

Find Crop Protection

Why we're different


We are straight forward to deal with experts in our field.


We take responsible lending seriously and believe.


If we can’t help you, we will tell you quickly and honestly.


You can talk directly to a lending decision maker.


We offer a no-nonsense app roach and speak farming.


Loan officers have practical experience of building/

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