Azienda Agricola Salvatore Innocenzo Rugna
Dalla Piana di Sibari, alla tua tavola
+39 338 4238825

Farming go hand in hand

Find out about the hard work British farmers do to feed the nation while also maintaining high animal welfare
standards, protecting the economy and contributing to the British economy.

Contributing economy

British farmers provide the raw ingredients for a food and farming sector worth £122 billion and employing over 4 million people. Find out how important agriculture.

Feeding the nation

British farmers provide the raw ingredients for a food and farming sector worth £122 billion and employing over 4 million people. Find out how important agriculture.

Animal health and welfare

British farmers provide the raw ingredients for a food and farming sector worth £122 billion and employing over 4 million people. Find out how important agriculture.

Contributing Natureza

British farmers provide the raw ingredients for a food and farming sector worth £122 billion and employing over 4 million people. Find out how important agriculture.

Animal health and welfare

British farmers provide the raw ingredients for a food and farming sector worth £122 billion and employing over 4 million people. Find out how important agriculture.

Protecting the environment

British farmers provide the raw ingredients for a food and farming sector worth £122 billion and employing over 4 million people. Find out how important agriculture.

Care of Ecosystem of nature

British farmers provide the raw ingredients for a food and farming sector worth £122 billion and employing over 4 million people. Find out how important agriculture.

Wild Animals and Vets

British farmers provide the raw ingredients for a food and farming sector worth £122 billion and employing over 4 million people. Find out how important agriculture.

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