Azienda Agricola Salvatore Innocenzo Rugna
Dalla Piana di Sibari, alla tua tavola
+39 338 4238825
Unique Climate

Sustainability and Climate Change

Our agricultural background means we’re equally at home meeting face-to-face with farmers as we are engaging.

Vegetables from FreshDirect. Our farms deliver to us daily, ensuring you only eat the best of what’s in season. Largest independent provider of agricultural and environmental consultancy, rural development services and policy advice.

Largest independent provider of agricultural and environmental consultancy, rural development services and policy advice.

New Research

Global Sustainability
Goals Launched

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Despite slightly

Declining beef
consumption rates

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Life support for all

Agriculture also
provides wood

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Discover nature

We have expertise in these areas

Square Roots

Square Roots is an urban farming accelerator that was started with 10 of Freight Farms

Farm One

Our high-tech vertical farms grow fresh microgreens, herbs & flowers Order online for local delivery.

Sky Vegetables

Dynamic Dunescapes is an exciting and ambitious project, rejuvenating some of England & Wales.

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